Stewardship & Finance

Change the Heart



Risk Management
Extended Healthcare Management
Estate Planning
Debt Management


Financial Education
Employment Benefits
Living Expense Management
Large Purchase Strategies
Government Programs
College Strategies
Tax Law

Kingdom Resources

Savings & Investment Management
Asset Management
Kingdom Business Management
Kingdom Career Management
Kingdom Ministry Management

The Word of God is Our Foundation

Stewardship & Finance – Kingdom Resources

Savings & Investment Management

God is sovereign over all we have. God wants us to acknowledge Him by using the resources He entrusts to us for His Kingdom. All decisions with regard to the positioning and use of these resources require us to acknowledge Him in everything.

Asset Management

We read in Luke 12:20-21 about the man who laid up riches for himself. “God said to him, ‘You fool, this very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself? This is how it will be for anyone who stores up treasures for himself but is not rich toward God.” It is important to recognize the importance of demonstrating to God our desire to honor Him with our wealth. In Luke 16:10 we read, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can be trusted with much” and in Psalm 112:5 the scriptures say, “Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely and to him who conducts his affairs with justice.” God blesses our careers when we demonstrate our trust in him by tithing what we earn. A tithe is 10%. As we mature we see the value of giving more than the tithe in the form of offerings and alms for the poor. Soon we come to the realization that God owns it all and everything we have must be used for His glory.

Kingdom Business Management

When God entrusts us with the management and even the ownership of a business, we must use it to glorify Him with the financial resources it generates as well as the opportunities to touch the lives of the employees, the community, the suppliers, the management and customers. Everything belongs to Him.

Kingdom Career Management

Colossians 3:23 says: “Work as working for the Lord not for man.” Our work ethic helps us witness to those with authority over us as well as our peers and those whom we serve.  Every day is an opportunity to demonstrate our stewardship of the gifts, talents, and resources God gives us.

Kingdom Ministry Management

Good stewardship can lead to the development of a Kingdom ministry. Wealth creation can and should be used to carry out the plans of the Lord. After all, it all belongs to Him. Wealth is not to be used for personal glorification but for glorifying the Lord.

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