
Change the Heart



Elder Planning
Prevention/Coping Disciplines
Balanced Living
Marriage Disciplines
Parenting Disciplines


Interpersonal Skills
Issues Requiring Change
Marriage Enrichment
Parenting Techniques

Kingdom Resources

Kingdom Career
Kingdom Ministry
Kingdom Business
God’s Giftings
Spiritual Family Leadership

The Word of God is Our Foundation

Family – Knowledge

Interpersonal Skills

Some of the large causes to family crises that are rooted in interpersonal skills come from causes like Identity Issues, and PTSD. Our identity issues (self-esteem) can be fixed when we truly learn how to allow Christ to change us. When we get into a real relationship with God, we see how he changes where we find our identity, and we can live a healthy life.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can be a tough trap for families to navigate. We can use counselling, rooted in the word of God, in the Christian worldview, that will help us be healed from this psychological trouble. Learn more about these via our coaches, and by looking into our book about Divine Strategies for Living, available in our store.

Issues Requiring Change

Your family might see habits, conditions, and more that need to be corrected. The good news is that all of these issues can be addressed and fixed on the basis of scripture.

If you or a family member is struggling with an addiction (sexual, substance, alcohol, or otherwise), you need to know that forgiveness and freedom can be found through walking in repentance in Christ’s way. You don’t have to repeat the cycle of broken hearts, pain, and disappointments. Scripture, a pastor, and a counselor should all work together to restore you to a healthy place in life.

Mistakes from the past and health issues can seem to keep us broken forever. These situations can just happen to us, or we might have even made our own choices to be in these bad situations. For someone dealing with HIV/Aids, Post Abortion Syndrome, Sexual Abuse in the past (or current), Physical/Emotional abuse in the past (or current), Depression, Sleep disorders, Grieving, or other deep wounds, healing can come. It comes through Christ. It comes by scripture, it comes through scripture based counseling, and the freedom we can find in Christ. You will need biblical principles, and someone to walk alongside you, to be free of these issues and to set your family free. These principles are expounded on in our mini-books and you can contact our crisis coaches for help today!

Marriage Enrichment

Challenges for people happen through divorce, re-marriage, blended families, divorce recovery and infidelity. Marriage is an intimate relationship that tests our independence, our personality, our differences, and our pride. It can be a great experience, yet it forces us to identify our limitations and humbles us to submit to God and our spouse. Many marriages fail because one or both parties fall into sin. A successful marriage will always be based on the word of God. We can start marriages and maintain marriages in great ways by using the truth of scripture. This can even be applied to premarital counseling, blending families, or re-marriage. Coaching might be need in this situation. But there is wisdom to be found in the word on this topic.

Parenting Techniques

Each stage in the development of a child has its own difficulties. A strong marriage with children who are respectful of parents can lead to a great legacy that can last for many generations. The Bible gives instruction as to the best ways to raise your children.  Many of the tenants in the Bible for raising children have been abandoned by our culture, but the Bible is timeless.

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